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Contemporary Structural Design Practice

The practice of structural design has changed significantly over the last 30 years! It was indeed a major leap from hand calculations and manual drafting to computer aided design. Now industry is entering the information modeling phase where the concept of design will transform softly into management. Obviously construction materials and structural analysis methods are also improved however utilizing them efficiently have become a race that never cuts pace. This progress brought flexibility to the overall design process but at the same time the quest of getting optimal results in shorter time frames forced design offices to get used to:
• Continuous learning to stay current
• Effective use and reliance on new technology
• Complicated codes and standards
• Fast communications 
• Demand for immediate response
• Rigorous analysis thus less conservative results 
• Management of Big Data

Those are some aspects that determine who is in and who is out. Like natural selection, in order to survive one must evolve into better! In many ways, this adaptation has been quite well. Great simplicity in reaching knowledge plus sufficient engineering skills combined with modern tools certainly delivered incredible advances in productivity. Though these advances haven’t been uniform everywhere and a poor understanding of structural engineering may produce designs with major flaws more easily in spite of the powerful tools at hand. Given its years of experience, STAND Engineering is successfully merging new tools with knowledge, aware of the modern day needs and leading the way in structural analysis and design. 


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